Sunday, January 16, 2011

Helpful things to bring...

I'm making a list of things to bring to the hospital/birthing center or to have readily available if you are having a home birth as well as my list of things to bring for you! This is not the typical "to pack" list with clothing and toiletries etc. This is a list to make you comfortable while in labor (which, for most, is a longer period of time than the time they spend there postpartum!)
Things for you to have ready:
Your favorite pillow from home if you have one
A robe and comfy slippers for walking the halls. Hospital gowns are open in the back and those floors are cold!!
An ipod with a few different playlists for labor and birth.  I suggest a soothing one, one with favorites that's mixed (both upbeat and low), and then an energetic and inspiring one for pushing, bouncing on the birthing ball, etc.

Some things I will try to have readily available for you in labor:

Calming mist scents - like essential oils to help make your birthing room a calm and tranquil place
Lotions and oils - for massages and acupressure techniques
Massage items - such as (wooden rollers, textured massage balls, cold cans of soda/frozen water bottle)
Hard sucking candy like suckers and honey sticks  - they really help stabilize blood sugar and give a kick of energy They really can help with nausea too.
Gum and protein bars - for birth partners present and mom if she decides that she needs to eat too
Straws - it's so much easier to stay well hydrated during labor to just be able to take a quick sip, especially if you are in an odd position that is finally providing relief
A small notebook - so that we can write down details for the birth story later
A rice sock - the heat can be a great break and help ease discomfort with back pain and contractions
A change of cloths - for me since birth is messy!
A toothbrush and toothpaste - since births can easily go many many hours!
Hair ties - they can be tricky to find in your bag and easy to forget
Emergen- C packets - for an energizing and electrolyte-filled drink
Ipod speaker - I will always keep these and extra batteries to keep those playlists flowing (I can bring my ipod with my own generic playlists too if you don't have one or don't have time to make the lists)
Camera - Just in case yours is lost or forgotten or runs out of batteries.

These are items that I think will help in a pinch and really better prepare everyone in the birthing room for the long-haul.
Are there items that you loved having at your birth??


  1. I brought my portable dvd player and a few movies. I had an epidural, and waiting to push seemed to take forever, so it was nice to kill the time, and calm my nerves by watching a movie.

  2. The peanut. That is what finally got my huge 9.6 lbs peanut out of me! LOL, but seriously, birthing on the ball and with the peanut was so great for me!
