(All of this information is from the WHO and Childbirth international and is research-based information)
Did you know??
*The World Health Organization states that a Cesarean level above 15% cannot be justified. The rate in the US is 30% + and steadily climbing
* The US alone performs between 400,00 and 500,000 unnecessary cesareans each year.
* True CPD ( a mismatch in size between the baby's size and mother's pelvis) is incredibly rare. Generally only occurring in women with a previously shattered pelvis or rickets disease.
* As many as 44% of inductions fail and result in C-sections.
* Infants are FIVE times more likely to need help breathing and or be admitted to the NICU.
* Mothers are 27 times more likely to need a hysterectomy after 1 c-section than women who delivered vaginally....27!
* Chances of Placenta Previa increase by 25% for EACH cesarean a mother has. Placenta previa doubles the chances of infant death and increases the premature birth rate by up to 6 times.
* If the cesarean rate in the US were to decrease by just 1% that would be a savings of $900,000 each year! Imagine what would happen is it decreased 15%+ to fit into the national WHO guidelines!
*** Cesareans can be a life-saving procedure for both mother and baby when medically necessary! They are also often a down-played surgery made by mom's who are un- or misinformed about the truths and dangers it possesses, especially when used unnecessarily.***
Thanks for posting, I was able to share this with a few girls who were wanting a CS!
Ahhh, I forgot about this blog- SO sorry! I'm catching up though, and YES- too funny- look at us, and our great minds, thinking alike....lol!