Placenta encapsulation. It may be something you're very familiar with, or something that sounds very....crunchy ;) Whatever your comfort level, there are many mothers out there that swear by this process and the ways it has helped them through this hard initial after-birth period of time.
Placenta's are handled according to updated food handling laws if you have a specialist do it. They're ground up into pills and handed back to you in a cute jar with instructions.
Some benefits of encapsulating your placenta after birth may be:
- Increased iron levels in the mother (which can lead to more energy and feeling better)
- Increased milk supply (which means happy baby AND mom)
- Increased release of oxytocin (a hormone that usually is on the rise after birth) which helps the uterus return to pre-pregnancy size more quickly and encourages bonding with baby.
- Decrease in post-partum depression levels
- Increase in CRH (a hormone that reduces stress)
With all those benefits, it's a least worth a shot!