I'm trying desperately to remember all the details. I truly do not want to forget one little thing!
First lets start with Landon's birth. I had a C-section with him. It was
not the birth I wanted and I was left feeling kinda cheated and
struggled with some postpartum depression after that I felt was mainly
due to the birth and the hard recovery. My dr. with Landon told me at my
first pelvic exam when I was 7 weeks pregnant that I could never
deliver a baby bigger than 7 lbs vaginally. The seed of doubt about my
body and it's capabilities was planted in that moment and then I just
figured the Cesarean was because my body was a lemon. Soon after his
birth I started reading and researching my face off and learned that
Dr.s actually cannot tell if my pelvis is too small or not by feeling
it. Not in labor, not before pregnancy, and not at 7 weeks pregnant. So
then I began the pursuit of a VBAC.
Before we became pregnant with Delaney I knew we needed a game plan for
who to see and how to make a VBAC possible. I started messaging our CNM
here in town about it and she assured me that she could see us through
the pregnancy and transfer our care at the end and we could deliver down
in Phx. Perfect! We started seeing her and LOVED her (as many of you
know). She assured me that my body was NOT a lemon and that we could do
this. There was never doubt (at least none that I saw) that I wouldn't
be able to VBAC or that I was somehow broken!
So on Monday night (11/21) I was having some contractions right before
bed. They were mild. But different. I told Matt and we both laughed it
off and went to bed. Throughout the night I was woken by a few strong
ones, but once I would pee they were much better, so I thought "just
more braxton hicks...fun!". That morning when I woke up and they were
still around I decided to get checked. I went and saw Stephanie and she
said I was a good 3. That was progress. She said I was even close to a
4. I was happy with that. I went home and we planned to meet again in
the afternoon. I went home and by about 11 I knew I was in labor. I was
still in denial until that point. I asked Alex's parents to come pick
him up relatively soon and started taking showers, eating healthy
snacks, and trying to rest! At 230 I went back to see Steph and was more
uncomfortable for sure. She checked me and said I was a good 4. A 4?!
I've been laboring ALL day. I was pretty discouraged. But she assured me
my cervix was changing and this was happening. Not sure when, but it
was happening. So back home I went. Around 5 I was starting to really
feel the contractions. They we actually painful and required my
attention. So Grammy came to get Landon and I of course cried as they
drove away. My sweet mother-in-law prayed with me and I felt ready! Soon
after Stephanie came to our house to check me and said I was a good 5
and we were good to go to Phx. No rush. Just at our leisure. She went
ahead down and met with a friend from the hospital down there and would
be waiting. So I took another bath and finished eating and packing and
we headed out.
I was petrified of the car ride. My biggest fear was hitting transition
and being stuck in the flipping car! But I just laid on my side with a
pillow and blankets and breathed through and did quite well. Then we got
to Anthem. I HAD to pee and try to get rid of some of the pressure. So
we stopped and while we were stopping and driving over bumps and turning
I was miserable! I wanted to cry. But after a restroom stop and some
drinks from Del Taco I was feeling like I could bear the last 30 min.
And I did. Once we got to the hospital I was ready to be in a room and
away from people b/c I was in pain. No such luck. We got there and
filled out forms in the ER and got some vitals done. Then we were put in
ER triage with a bunch of other people. They were talking to us and
cussing and I was thoroughly annoyed. Finally the nurse came down to get
us. Thank God. It took me forever to get to the room as I was stopping
for contractions and breathing and swaying with Matt. But we got there.
Guess what? More triage. I wanted to cry. But Stephanie was there
waiting for us and that made my heart happy! So we did all the norm
stuff there and they told me part of the VBAC policy was to get a weight
ultra sound. Are you kidding me? I'm in so much pain and you are going
to make my lie on my back so you can tell me what a giant baby I have?!
Fantastic. So I complied and hurt so bad. He finished and determined
that baby would be about 6 lbs 11 oz. That sounded reasonable. Landon
was a boy and 7.7. So once that was over they allowed us to walk up to
our room. Again, it took forever and I just could not wait to get there!
Once in the room, I was checked and found to be a 6. I cried. A 6?! I'm
in SO much pain. How am I not in transition?! Afterward we got all
hooked up to the monitors and stuff and then it was quiet. It was just
Matt and Steph and I. There was relaxing music on and they would massage
and rub me and help me keep my cool. After the inital strip I wanted
the water. I'd talked the entire trip down about the labor tubs and how
nice it would feel to crawl in one as soon as possible. We soon found
out I was in the last open room and my room only had a shower. You have
GOT to be kidding me. I was super disappointed. But Stephanie suggested
that we go sit on the birthing ball in the shower and that water was
glorious! I was feeling like I could do this. My family came in to visit
real fast and I was still able to talk and laugh in between
contractions and then they left. It was maybe 11 or so when Stephanie
checked me again. I was a 6. STILL. Emotionally I began to lose it. This
is what happened with Landon. I got stuck and then they took him. I
started to panic. Everyone continued to reassure me that it was just
going slowly and no one was pressuring me. There was no clock. I believe
with that check they broke my water and there was not a whole lot of it
because Laney was so low her head was like a cork. Every time I was
checked Steph would say "her head is just SO low". That was very
encouraging to me that my body was doing something! After that, it all
gets soooo blurry. I took another shower at some point and peed and
labored a lot. There was lots of rubbing and encouraging words. Then at
some point I lost it. I started crying and begging for an epidural. I
was fighting with everyone and felt SO out of control. It was
transition. I knew it in my head but HOLY COW! It hurt. Like bad. The rest was history. I flew from a 7 to ready to push in what
seemed like no time. I was in such an animalistic state I really could
not even comprehend what was going on. I was trying to listen to
Stephanie coach me through pushing and trying to soak in all the "you
are doing great" and "you're a rockstar" compliments, but all I could
think about was getting the baby out! So we started pushing. I could
feel after just a few pushes what needed to happen and the way I needed
to do it. So I did it. With all my might. It felt soooo much better to
be pushing! So after 15 minutes or so we got to that ring of fire and
that's when I knew it. I am doing this! I am going to deliver this
little girl the way I wanted!!! Someone told me to feel her head and I
did quickly but needed to focus. A few pushes and out she came. It was
incredible. Feeling her little body slip through mine. It was the most
incredible feeling ever. And then such relief! They put her on my chest
and I just bawled. I couldn't believe I did it. I couldn't believe my
little girl was actually finally here! While they were cleaning her off
someone made a comment about her definitely not looking like a 6 lb
baby. This made me excited because I'd been hoping all along she would
be bigger than Landon and I'd be CERTAIN that my body was capable and
did not have stupid limitations put on it. I could birth any baby I
could make!
They took her to be weighed while I got stitched up quickly. I was SO
thankful to have a tiny tear that barely required any time at all to
fix! They yelled over to me 8.1! I had an 8 lb baby!!! Later the nurse
told us that because of the extra grams she was actually 8.2.
Incredible. I still cannot believe I did it. I cannot believe I birthed
my baby vaginally. And without an epidural. And without ripping to
shreds. And without needing assistance. My body was able to get
pregnant, carry a baby to term, know when and how to go into labor, push
and deliver a baby, and then feed her completely once she was out! It
is truly incredible. I have an entirely new view of my body and of my
own capabilities.
Once everything settled a bit we nursed and it was blissful. She was so
content to be with me. She has been so calm and cuddly and responsive to
me especially. It has been a very special experience for me. I feel
like it's healed some places within me and given me a very special bond
with our little girl!
I must give credit now where credit is due. I could not have done this
whole laboring thing without my incredible husband. Matt was there for
me every second and step of the way. He was rubbing me, encouraging me,
praying for me, reading me my birthing affirmations, and making sure
that things went the way he knew I really wanted them to. I think he was
the best labor partner ever! Next, Stephanie. She was just magnificent.
She knew where to rub and where it hurt and what I needed. She kept
everything calm and peaceful just like I needed. It was so special to
have so much time with just her and Matt and I. She was just the person I
needed and wanted to be there and to catch my little girl :) Finally,
Lisa. Lisa is our Phx midwife and she was just awesome. It was
incredible to be able to do what we did in a hospital that wasn't ours.
She was so supportive and a great addition to our little team. We
certainly could not have done it without her!

since the birth has been great. We were discharged from the hospital early and were able to be a family at home on Thanksgiving :) We
are 4 days out now and I feel so human. So normal considering
everything that just happened. It's absolutely incredible. 4 days after
my C-section we had just gotten home and I could hardly walk and was
essentially useless other than to feed myself and Landon. I cannot
imagine coming home to a toddler and a newborn feeling like that!! The
recovery has been a complete 180. Even if the whole VBAC experience had
not been an emotional one for me, I cannot for the life of me understand
now why anyone would want a repeat cesarean unless it was medically
necessary. The pain level is so significantly lower and I feel so so so
much better physically and emotionally! It's just shocking to me how
different it's all been. Yay VBACs!!! Laney looks and seems like she is
doing fantastic! She is so sweet. And we are so blessed.